We realize these are challenging and unprecedented times for the world and our community. The coronavirus has impacted and altered countless aspects of our lives and shifted the way we interact, with each other as well as how we at Brownpreneuers teach, serve, and support each of you. While we are unable to host the Brownpreneuers inaugural 2020 Teen Summit in person, no worries, we are going virtual. Yes, that means we are bringing the summit right to you-in the comfort of your very own home.
Here is what you need to know, we will host 3 separate one-hour sessions on Thursdays in July beginning at 6 PM sharp. See below for the session dates and session names. Register for each session by clicking the session name to save your spot, learn more and get reminders.
Brownpreneuers is excited and thrilled for this new virtual atmosphere. And, we are committed to hosting a fun, interactive and engaging experience. We believe in each of you as we know you all are the change makers we need and want to see in the world. Know that you have the voice to uplift and inspire.
Thursday, July 9 @ 6 PM - Level Up! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83413409123?pwd=MkNMTTlvNlB0b1c5a0hNakt5azFxQT09
Thursday, July 16 @ 6 PM - What's Your Brand https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81159848114?pwd=a0lOcFY5elk5NnNpc25JV3lReEFCQT09
Thursday, July 23 @ 6 PM- Secure the Bag https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88353191347?pwd=RlY3Y1FPTUduVmNEczBMU2tGRWhwQT09
We look forward to “seeing” you in July. Remember to dress for success at each session. And be ready to learn, engage, and network.